For the first time on TBS, we, students have organized an interesting sports event where they participated in a Football competition in order to choose the school's team which is to compete against the other universities.
Basically, we put an announcement asking those who are interested to form a team and contact the organizers (Youssef Smairi and Mohamed saidani ) within a week . Immediately, teams started applying for the contest, so we set up Monday, April 16th as the starting day. Three games on each day took place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and eventually, three out of nine teams got qualified for semi-finals.
The final game will take place on May 2nd Boujardgua stadium in Morneg , and professor Kamel Beji will be the referee . The remaining four teams (since one will be added) will compete against each other, and the winning team will be the one who represents TBS in competitions against the other universities.
So far, this may seem as an exciting experience, we have in fact faced numerous challenges that have in some way reduced our enthusiasm. It was hard to raise funds, look for the stadium and provide transportation for the players, all by our own. The school could have at least supported us, Such obstacles have of course affected the quality of organization, but we are determined to succeed.
All in all, it was worthy because we wish to select the best to represent us even if we faced a lot of problems.
To conclude, we ask for the school’s support and we invite all of the students to join us in the final game and support our teams, and last but not least we thank Aymen ben slimen for being the only one who guided us and gave us advice.
-Youssef Smairi-
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