In another desperate attempt to get under the spotlights , the parti popular petition known as "Al - Aridha" withdrawed from the constituent assembly after the president Mostpha Ben Jaafér expelled one of the deputies for insolation . the fact that it's not in his validities apart , the purposes were crude nearly harsh but were direct and emphasised what most of the people in general and demonstrators of the ninth of april in particular thinks and would like to say to the current government .
In fact, the bad conditions of the injured of the revolution must be in the top priorities of the teporary government , exuses like many robbers and criminals are hoping for same treatment as protesters or innocents and long procedures and investigations will not be accepted ,we need to fix this situation now, once for all. Also intersting the tone used not only by Iskandar Bouâllègue - the deputy who has been expelled - but also by the majority of this parti especially by its "golden boy" Ibrahim Al Kassas which may express both simplicity and sincerety at the begining but also describes a real position of weakness due to the facts that they don't have any alliance with neither the movement Nahdha the most popular parti in tunisia -althought they are second in popularity and share alomst the same doctrine - nor with the opposition because they are considered protective and might be in relation with the old RCD due to their leader Hechmi El Hamdi added to the fact that they haven't got any position in the current government although they got more voices than the CPR or Ettakatol who got many positions . Fair enough, isn't ??
-Malik BT-
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