mercredi 18 avril 2012

NCA: firing two deputy from the session

During the session of Monday, some members of the national constituent assembly criticized the slowness in what concerning the dealing of the government with the file of martyrs and injured people of the revolution.

This session has been marked by many interruptions whereas two deputies belonging to popular petition ( Al Aridha ). Many deputies expressed their surprise about this delay and they called the commission to set the final list of martyrs and injured of the revolution. The session started with a heated discussion after the intervention of Al Aridha’s deputy, Iskander Bouallagui who described the government as “ Ghannouchi’s government” so that deputies of the troika interrupted his intervention by intoning the national anthem.

The president of the national constituent assembly pulled the word from the Al Aridha’s deputy and asked him to leave the room with his college (from the Popular Aridha) Aymen Zouaghi. Mr. Mostfa Ben Jaafar asked also the deputy Iskander Bouallagui to stop the bid till it will be discussed in a national debate. A deputy from Ennahdha declared that the Government, the civil society, associations and even the national constituent assembly agree that the file of martyrs and injured people of the revolution should be a priority and should be treated in the part of its framework completely away from conflicts and political betting. From the of Al Aridha a deputy said that if the party of Al Aridha was in power it will give injured people a better treatment in the best hospitals. From his side as an independent deputy Khmais Kssila Called the National constituent assembly to set a fixed period for different commissions in charge of the file.


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