mardi 24 avril 2012

Exports Rise 1.6%

The evolution of the sector's exports of leather and footwear at the end of first quarter of 2012 was shy. An increase estimated by the National Centre of leather and footwear at 1.6% over the same period in 2011. This development was around 12.9% in similar period of 2011.
Thus, the total value of exports reached 258.3 254.3 MTD against MTD in 2011. On the import side, they have accumulated 144.8 MTD, an evolution of 5.4%. The trade balance shows and a coverage ratio of 178.4% with a trade balance of 113.5 MTD.
113.5 MTD would be the balance of trade balance ICC after the first quarter of 2012, with 258.3 MTD export and import 144.8 MTD or a coverage ratio of 178.4%.The details put forward by the center show that the complete footwear recorded 151.8MTD or 58.8% of the overall achievements of the sector. For imports, hides, skins andfurs have accumulated 74.4 MTD or 51.4% of total imports.

Export products:

 At the end of March 2012, the export sector have accumulated 85.6 MTD a decline of-9.8% compared to March of 2011 which amounted to 94.9 MTD.Commodities for export are the shoes complete with 151.8 MTD or 58.8% of the overall achievements of the sector, shoe uppers with 45.7 MTD or 17.7% and leather goods with33.9 MTD or 13.1 % of total exports.Estimated foreign exchange earnings, the sector's exports have registered an ICC regression of -0.5% between the first three months to go from 2011 to 2012 Mr 129.3128.6 M. euros euros. According to the NCCC, and despite the fall in exports of complete shoes and shoe uppers respectively -4.3% and -5.2%, both products are still top the list of top exports. The share of exports of these products exceeds 76% of total exports sector is 197.5 MTD.Other products such as hides, skins, furs and handbags, with respectively 20.6 and 16.7MTD MTD is also the basis of the export sector.The weak evolution of exports from the center is due to products such as components andaccessories, gloves, travel bags, saddlery, trunks, suitcases and lots of other leather articles.


The first sector client is Italy which, despite a decline of -6.4%, retains its pride of placewith 109.8 MTD or 42.5% of overall achievement. The second position is occupied by France, which occupies, with 33%, equivalent to 85.2 MTD. Germany hosts 12.4% of total exports accounting for 32 MTD. In fourth position, is placed Spain with 1.2% and a decrease of -23.1% between 2011-2012 to spend three months from 3.9 to 3 MTD MTD.Exports to destinations further afield such as Hong Kong recorded a 70.6% change from 1.7 to 2.9 MTD MTD. Exports to the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Turkey and Belgiumare between 2 and 1.2 MTD MTD. A new destination is added to the list of top ten, it is the Republic of Korea with 0.9 against 0.3 MTD MTD at the end of first quarter 2011.
In terms of imports and after the first quarter of 2012, they racked up 144.8 MTD, thus registering a change of 5.4% over the same period in 2011. Imports of hides, skins and furs represent 51.4% of total imports with a value of 74.4MTD. Accessories and components with 28.1 MTD and stems shoe with 17.9 MTD, mostproducts are imported by business operators.
The evolution of imports in euro is 3.3%, from 69.8 to 72.1 euros Mr. M. euros.Until 31 March, the most dominant products in imports are: hides, skins and furs with 74.4MTD, accessories and components with 28.1 MTD and shoe uppers with 17.9 MTD.These inputs are combined together more than 83% of total imports in the sector with a value of 120.4 MTD.Italy ranks first among suppliers of Tunisia with 67 MTD or 46.3% of total imports. The second country of origin of leather products is reserved to France with 33.7 MTD or 23.3%, followed by Germany with 8.9% of imports with a value of 12.9 MTD.China ranks fourth with a 156.4% change between the same periods 2011-2012 to movefrom 3.9 MTD to 10 MTD.Spain is, according CNCC, fifth place with 4.4 MTD. India, Portugal, Vietnam, the Netherlands and Brazil are still among the top ten suppliers of the CCI sector in Tunisia, with values ranging from 3.2 to 0.8 MTD MTD.Offshore companies export about 97.7% of total exports of the sector CCI is 252.3 MTD.Imports of these companies, they represent 88.1% of total imports is 127.5 MTD.Companies involved with onshore export 6 MTD and 17.3 MTD import.

-Amal Derbali-


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