The Bridge of Rades
When I generally go from the southern suburb to the north suburb, I often take the new road of “Rades-La Goulette” as most people do. In this road, you must cross the highest ... Read more

Spain: the crisis scared off hundreds of thousands of people
Spain continues its descent into the depths of the crisis. After the downgrade of the sovereign debt of Spain, Friday, October 14, reduced from AA to AA-, it is the turn of the city of Barcelona and the Madrid region of ... read more

New Oppprtunities in changing MENA region
Tunisian-American Chamber of Commerce (TACC), Chair of Mena, hosted recently the annual conference held by The Regional Council ... Read more
dimanche 29 avril 2012
Clarifications and Promises of Hamadi Jebali
The head of the provisional government, Hamadi Jebali, announced on Friday at the National Constituent Assembly that his government intends to intervene in the pricing of consumer products, whenever necessary.Thus the price of a kilogram of potatoes is 750 millimes from May 2, 2012, while a reference price has already been arrested for eggs, he said. Responding to questions from constituents on the draft supplementary budget law, Mr.Jebali said that the sales transactions of agricultural products will be checked up and a list of agricultural products established by region, to determine the needs of importation.
He mentioned the creation of four committees responsible for monitoring prices.
These commissions fight against smuggling, control of supply and prices, economic control and a wareness, adding that the governors were tasked to support operations control and set up teams control to fight against smuggling and transmit information on the areas mostaffected by this phenomenon.
Regarding the demands expressed by the constituents for the development of their regions, M.Jebali noted that the government has allocated 11 million dinars for theconstruction of wells in the governorate of Tozeur, it will double the N 44 ° in the Silianaand he spent 18 million dinars for the construction of 203 kilometers of trails in the ruralgovernorate of Sfax. He also stated that the Government has allocated funding for the establishment of 30neighborhoods surrounding cities, besides the construction of 73 additional districts for a total of 267 million dinars over four years.
In addition, a study will be conducted to protect the port of Zarzis of the encroachment of sand, for a total of 400 thousand dinars. He said the connection of Tataouine and Medenine rail network is an action that is part of a proposed railway line from North African high speed, in which funding was allocated in the form of a donation made by the European Investment Bank. He stressed also that the Government will consider the possibility of new to the culture ofsugar beet in order to stimulate the activity of the sugar factory located in the region of Jendouba.
Moreover, the prime minister said that the government will ensure, in 2012, training 100 thousand people in the national army, pointing out that economic societies require job seekers during recruitment, that they master the English language and computer skills.These conditions do not occur in many university graduates, of which 750 000 are unemployed.
In the same context, the prime minister felt that it is possible to create 75 000 jobs during the year 2012, provided to mobilize public investment, private and mixed.
-Derbali Amal-
samedi 28 avril 2012
BAC Sport: Celebration turns to Tragedy
These days we are living the return of the BAC sport which is taking place from April the 23rd to May 5th. After it was cancelled last year, this year baccalaureate students are enjoying the event as usual.
After passing the test, it is time for “Dakhla” a celebration in which students sing songs inspired from those of football accompanied with drums, to attack other branches and celebrate their future graduations. Very creative and funny flags are made to decorate the school buildings. Usually students from the same class wear similar tee shirts to appear as a unified team.
Rental or personal cars are often used to do tricks in front of the schools. Unfortunately, students sometimes get so excited that they forget about safety and start driving extremely fast, dancing from outside the cars’ windows and jumping on the school roofs…
These acts sometimes end in tragedy as in the case of the students’ accident from Père Blanc high school which caused the death of two boys and critical health conditions for their three other friends. A girl from Sousse was also killed in a traffic accident during the festivities.
A flag with their pictures was made by their classmates and raised in the school in order to pay tribute to them.
-Dora Jebali -
National Television Sit-In
For over 50 days , a sit-in has been standing in front of the locals of the national television. sit-inners were sympathizers with the movement Ennahdha and reminded us of the " professional protestors " seen in any democratic or progressist manifestation raising slogans against the manifestion and insulting manifesters . the reason for the sit-in was to denounce the " media of shame", "purple media" and its "malicious intent" concerning the "great achivements" of the government .
Nothing seemed possible to convince the sit-inners who seemed tenacious and determined to "cure" the national television , until the political adviser to the Prime Minister Mr Lotfi Zitoun succeded to convince them to decamp after only 2 hours of negociations on wednesday 25 april 2012 , political adviser who was there the day before trying to convince the employees of the national television in general, and its jouranlists in particular of the legitimity of the sit-in . He also critisized them when they complaint to him about the haracelement they have been living during the sit-in , and accused them of not being open to critics saying " it's ok for you to say the government of shame , to criticize Mr Ali Larayedh minister of interior , but it's not ok for them to criticize you" .
Of course he was asked to leave the place , but the intention of controlling the national television was obvious and the message sent by the sit-in was very clear : the national television should think twice before broadcasting anything that dosn't praise the current government .. just like old times .
-Malik Bt-
jeudi 26 avril 2012
Cultural Activities
Have you guessed? I did .
Spotted: lonely paper needs some crowd and they've chosen the right person to fill it .
After the revolution, people told us we only care about politics... --Andre Malraux said "Culture is not inherited, it is owned “ did we omit our cultural world by only caring about politics?
Well , We did not !
Surprisingly say we didn't ! In fact , there was several events such as in theaters , cinema , fashion , music .. Fashion you say? Yes ! Tunisia still didn't loose it’s love and interest for art despite all of that. As a proof, This year and for the 4th season our country put all its forces together to organize another Fashion Week in Tunis The first one since the revolution .But Hey, Sorry Folks ! It all happened last week.
Various contributors in the textile industry respond positively to promote this event already historic for the country's culture. International but most likely national designers came to show their knowledge, revealing their treasures in an atmosphere of sharing and openness to the public.
Fashion week tunis took place from the 11th to the 14th of April at the Majestic Acropolum of Carthage.
In a way or another , we are all following trends or fashions, and for those of you who might already think they’re not interested , maybe this time you will keep reading.
Fashion is not only about stars and stripes, it’s also the reflection of the designers’ minds . They lived the revolution and all the political issues our country went through during all these years. As all os us . They have an opinion to share. Some of us go in the streets , they express themselves through clothes . For those who missed it , here is my report .
-Meriem Frini-
A seminar with Miss Mariam Laabidi in Tbs
To enrich the culture of students in how to treat with professional life ... the administration of Tunis Business School organized today in the afternoon a seminar with Miss "Mariam Laabidi" a responsible in the AMIDEAST ..
Our guest focused on many important points, which benefited the audience, for example: how to prepare for a job interview, the interview significations, structure and its DOs and DON'Ts.
For the importance of these points and the guest's experience and the method of reporting informations for students, it is expected that she will return to present other seminars with a bigger number of students
Finally we have to render thanks to the guest for accepting the invitation and to the administration of TBS for their efforts to broaden the students' culture !
-Amal Derbéli-
SMIs are on the good way
Mr. Mohamed Ben Youssef, the general director of AIDMO stated that this forum seeks to put forth visions and ideas and exchange experiences in order to promote the sector of small and medium industries in Arab countries seeing its active contribution to the economic and social development in the Arab world.
Mr. Ben Youssef pointed out that AIDMO devotes great attention to SMIs in their programs because it contributes significantly to reducing poverty and increase women empowerment, eradication of the unemployment of Arab youth and the realization of economic development. He also said that this important industrial sector will possibly contribute to the development of rural communities and remote regions to eradication of the migration phenomenon from the countryside to the cities, and thus; achieving a social justice which is one of the most important claims of Arab springs.
The Arab sixth forum for SMIs will tackle five main axes on the role of this sector in generating job opportunities for youth, women, and its consequence in bridging the gap between education outputs and labor market requirements, pointing out that these industries meet the basic needs of citizens.
The Forum also addresses the Arab and international programs on the support of small and medium industries in the Arab region as well as the importance of rehabilitating and modernizing such industries, and upgrading their competitiveness.
AIDMO’s representative pointed out that the Forum will deal with the issue of green industries and opportunities for the development of SMEs in the Arab region, adding that many countries in the world are seeking to implement green industries to avoid the industrial growth’s effects on environment.
The Forum in fact will be attended by a number of Arab and international officials and experts working in the field of SMEs development, and from public and private sectors and a number of Arab regional finance institutions as well as related international and regional organizations.
AIDMO has recently devoted great attention to the development of SMIs sector as part of its various activities, including industrial incubators, developing programs on subcontracting, including the concepts of establishing micro-enterprises in the curriculum of education, traditional industries, green industries, and cleaner production programs, in addition to the cooperation of AIDMO and UNIDO on the program of developing the role of small and medium industries in the Arab countries under the implementation of the resolutions of the Kuwait Economic Summit.
We hope that the sixth Arab Forum for SMIs in Tunisia will result in recommendations that serve the development and growth of this sector, which has become compulsory in the current circumstances that the Arab region undergoes.
Despite the recession, UK is going to continue the austerity
The UK is officially back in recession earlier this year, following a contraction of its economy for the second consecutive quarter. A surprise to analysts, who were counting on a slight increase of 0.1% of GDP, and bad news for the government of David Cameron.
According to an official statement published on Wednesday, April 25th, the British economy shrank by 0.2% in the first quarter of 2012, after falling 0.3% last quarter. The country had emerged from recession in late 2009.
This bad news follows an earlier announcement Tuesday by the government listing that public finance in the UK have deteriorated again in March, forcing the country to borrow 18.2 billion pounds (22.3 billion euros) a record since November 2010.
Even after the announcement of the recession, the British Finance Minister George Osborne confirmed the continuation of the austerity policies of his government.
"The only thing that would further accentuate the situation would be to abandon our program that is credible, and deliberately increase our deficit and create more debt," Osborne said in a statement.
The Conservative minister admitted that the UK was in a "very difficult economic situation" but stressed that it was even more complex than "so many other European countries are already in recession or are in the process of falling into it. " "It takes more time more than expected to pick ourselves up the largest debt crisis we have had in living memory," said the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The POUND, on a free variation: Leaded by the announcement of this back into recession, the pound sterling off again sharply lower against the euro and the dollar. By mid-morning, the British pound, fell to 82.09 pence per euro, its lowest level for a week.
Yet, yesterday, the pound had risen by 81.44 pence per euro (its highest level since August 2010) carried by a movement initiated last Wednesday by the fact that the Bank of England seemed to push new measures to support the economy.
Such measures, result in liquidity injections, have the effect of diluting the value of the pound.
Does Uk need a new Margarett Thatcher ?
-Adnen Ben Haj-
Tunisian-Brazilian partnership getting real
During his visit to Tunisia, Brazil's foreign minister Antonio Patriota said that the main purpose of the visit is to boost Tunisian-Brazilian co-operation and Tunisia's participation in next June's United Nations on sustained development which will be held in Rio De Janeiro.
After a closed work session between Mr Antonio Patriota and Mr Rafik Abdessalem (Tunisian foreign affairs minister), the Brazilian side said ''We wish to convert the friendship relations binding Tunisia and Brazil into a real partnership based on shared values: social justice, respect of human rights and environmental awareness''. He also specified that there are several opportunities to reinforce partnership, especially in agriculture, social and institutional development.
For his part, Mr Abdessalem pointed out the mutual will to develop bilateral relations and increase trade exchanges between the two countries, which will open a great path for a wider co-operation at regional level between Maghreb and South American countries and also for a better understanding with the Mercosur countries (Customs union between Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay).
Back in 2011, after the revolution, the flow of trade exchanges between the two sides reached 481 million USD, compared with 342 million USD in 2010. Tunisia exported to the 6th world largest economy products such as phosphate, chemicals and dates. Tunisias also imported sugar, coffee, wheat, corn and vegetable oil.
At the end of the meeting, the two ministers agreed to hold, the Tunisian-Brazilian High Joint Commission which will have as a mission to keep the trade rates increasing year after year.
-Adnen ben Haj-
mercredi 25 avril 2012
TBS football championship
For the first time on TBS, we, students have organized an interesting sports event where they participated in a Football competition in order to choose the school's team which is to compete against the other universities.
Basically, we put an announcement asking those who are interested to form a team and contact the organizers (Youssef Smairi and Mohamed saidani ) within a week . Immediately, teams started applying for the contest, so we set up Monday, April 16th as the starting day. Three games on each day took place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and eventually, three out of nine teams got qualified for semi-finals.
The final game will take place on May 2nd Boujardgua stadium in Morneg , and professor Kamel Beji will be the referee . The remaining four teams (since one will be added) will compete against each other, and the winning team will be the one who represents TBS in competitions against the other universities.
So far, this may seem as an exciting experience, we have in fact faced numerous challenges that have in some way reduced our enthusiasm. It was hard to raise funds, look for the stadium and provide transportation for the players, all by our own. The school could have at least supported us, Such obstacles have of course affected the quality of organization, but we are determined to succeed.
All in all, it was worthy because we wish to select the best to represent us even if we faced a lot of problems.
To conclude, we ask for the school’s support and we invite all of the students to join us in the final game and support our teams, and last but not least we thank Aymen ben slimen for being the only one who guided us and gave us advice.
-Youssef Smairi-
Green Finance
In Tunisia, banks (29 banks, 8 offshore), which provide nearly 90% of lending to the economy, favor funds that offer the best compensation / risk, namely loans to housingand consumption.To familiarize the Tunisian bankers with the concept of Green Banking (financeecological projects), a training session of two days was held yesterday in Tunis. 35 bank officials and representatives of insurance and environmental institutions took part.
This is, according to its organizers (Ministry of Environment, UNEP / MAP, entertainment activities Regional Centre for Cleaner Production (RAC / CP), a message for Tunisian banks, known today , to build capacity to assess the risks involved in environmental projects, to meet their social and environmental responsibilities and to build portfolios forgreen projects.
Indeed, Tunisian banks can contribute, according to participants in this training, green jobs and SMEs specialized in cleaning and improving the living environment and urban design.Projects like this are, so far, supported Tunisia by specific funds and environmentaloriented structures (ANME, National Fund for Energy Management, Fund for Abatement (FODEP) and Focrédit).
To increase the share of project funding so-called "clean", "we must first establish a framework for companies to work on a better consideration of the environment," said Ms.Magali Outters, expert of the Centre "RAC / CP. "Taking part in this training, Ms. Nouha Zerriâa, financial analyst in a private merchant bank, acknowledged that in Tunisia, "few environmental projects are presented to banks for financing." "Everything is a matter of culture," said she."Today, the environmental culture is gaining ground in the country," she said, "whichrequires banks to some consideration of this new situation and a commitment to the environment."
According to Basma, project manager at the Bank STUSID, Tunisian-Saudi Company forInvestment and Development, "the reluctance of banks to finance the environment is due,primarily, by the very high cost of green projects" ."Some developers have already deposited with our bank records of projects to fund onphotovoltaic energy, gas cars, but the cost was prohibitive, we have a threshold is not exceeded," she said.
The green economy is, according to Unep (United Nations Program for Environment),"an economy that took shape in the context of a multiple crisis, environmental, economic and social."In its latest report, Unep says that to go to the green economy, we must invest 2% of GDP per year by 2050 in 10 key sectors (agriculture, construction, energy, fisheries,forestry, manufacturing, tourism , transport, water and waste management).
-Derbali Amal-
mardi 24 avril 2012
Exports Rise 1.6%
The evolution of the sector's exports of leather and footwear at the end of first quarter of 2012 was shy. An increase estimated by the National Centre of leather and footwear at 1.6% over the same period in 2011. This development was around 12.9% in similar period of 2011.
Thus, the total value of exports reached 258.3 254.3 MTD against MTD in 2011. On the import side, they have accumulated 144.8 MTD, an evolution of 5.4%. The trade balance shows and a coverage ratio of 178.4% with a trade balance of 113.5 MTD.
113.5 MTD would be the balance of trade balance ICC after the first quarter of 2012, with 258.3 MTD export and import 144.8 MTD or a coverage ratio of 178.4%.The details put forward by the center show that the complete footwear recorded 151.8MTD or 58.8% of the overall achievements of the sector. For imports, hides, skins andfurs have accumulated 74.4 MTD or 51.4% of total imports.
Export products:
At the end of March 2012, the export sector have accumulated 85.6 MTD a decline of-9.8% compared to March of 2011 which amounted to 94.9 MTD.Commodities for export are the shoes complete with 151.8 MTD or 58.8% of the overall achievements of the sector, shoe uppers with 45.7 MTD or 17.7% and leather goods with33.9 MTD or 13.1 % of total exports.Estimated foreign exchange earnings, the sector's exports have registered an ICC regression of -0.5% between the first three months to go from 2011 to 2012 Mr 129.3128.6 M. euros euros. According to the NCCC, and despite the fall in exports of complete shoes and shoe uppers respectively -4.3% and -5.2%, both products are still top the list of top exports. The share of exports of these products exceeds 76% of total exports sector is 197.5 MTD.Other products such as hides, skins, furs and handbags, with respectively 20.6 and 16.7MTD MTD is also the basis of the export sector.The weak evolution of exports from the center is due to products such as components andaccessories, gloves, travel bags, saddlery, trunks, suitcases and lots of other leather articles.
The first sector client is Italy which, despite a decline of -6.4%, retains its pride of placewith 109.8 MTD or 42.5% of overall achievement. The second position is occupied by France, which occupies, with 33%, equivalent to 85.2 MTD. Germany hosts 12.4% of total exports accounting for 32 MTD. In fourth position, is placed Spain with 1.2% and a decrease of -23.1% between 2011-2012 to spend three months from 3.9 to 3 MTD MTD.Exports to destinations further afield such as Hong Kong recorded a 70.6% change from 1.7 to 2.9 MTD MTD. Exports to the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Turkey and Belgiumare between 2 and 1.2 MTD MTD. A new destination is added to the list of top ten, it is the Republic of Korea with 0.9 against 0.3 MTD MTD at the end of first quarter 2011.
In terms of imports and after the first quarter of 2012, they racked up 144.8 MTD, thus registering a change of 5.4% over the same period in 2011. Imports of hides, skins and furs represent 51.4% of total imports with a value of 74.4MTD. Accessories and components with 28.1 MTD and stems shoe with 17.9 MTD, mostproducts are imported by business operators.
The evolution of imports in euro is 3.3%, from 69.8 to 72.1 euros Mr. M. euros.Until 31 March, the most dominant products in imports are: hides, skins and furs with 74.4MTD, accessories and components with 28.1 MTD and shoe uppers with 17.9 MTD.These inputs are combined together more than 83% of total imports in the sector with a value of 120.4 MTD.Italy ranks first among suppliers of Tunisia with 67 MTD or 46.3% of total imports. The second country of origin of leather products is reserved to France with 33.7 MTD or 23.3%, followed by Germany with 8.9% of imports with a value of 12.9 MTD.China ranks fourth with a 156.4% change between the same periods 2011-2012 to movefrom 3.9 MTD to 10 MTD.Spain is, according CNCC, fifth place with 4.4 MTD. India, Portugal, Vietnam, the Netherlands and Brazil are still among the top ten suppliers of the CCI sector in Tunisia, with values ranging from 3.2 to 0.8 MTD MTD.Offshore companies export about 97.7% of total exports of the sector CCI is 252.3 MTD.Imports of these companies, they represent 88.1% of total imports is 127.5 MTD.Companies involved with onshore export 6 MTD and 17.3 MTD import.
-Amal Derbali-
lundi 23 avril 2012
Public Media … For Sale !
After the remarks made by the president of Ennahdha, Rached Ghannouchi, and the deputy of the movement in the National Constituent Assembly, Ameur Larayedh, about the privatization of the public media, many national organizations and members of the civil society expressed their dissatisfaction about this declaration.
The president of movement “ Ennahdha “ has proclaimed in an interview with the Qatari newspaper “ Al-Sharq “ published in in April, 18th that his party’s aspiration consist of finding radical measure in the field of media by the privatization of media, by asking “ why the democratic regime maintains official media ? “ accusing that some public Tunisian media plot against the willingness of the people.
Even the national authority for the reform of information and communication (NARIC) has warned against the serious press statements and has insisted especially for these declarations of the leaders of Ennahdha movement.
Let’s now focus on the purpose of the story: does the presence of a public media oppose a democratic regime? The NARIC reminds that many experiences of democratic transitions in all over the world disprove this thesis, otherwise, logically, any revolution requires a maintained public media totally objective and express the preoccupations of all citizens and all that need a hard work and long attendance and supports from all the constituent of the society and the government, and let the aspirations of Ennahdha and the entire Tunisian people of professional and objective public media be achieved by the responsible authority of reforming the information and the communication.
- Yassër Ben Hmouda -
The right to Health.
This time the article will be a little different, I will speak well on a subject which concerns our health but it is something rational: The right to health.
The right to health is an inclusive right. We frequently associate the right to health with access to health care and the building of hospitals. This is correct, but the right to health extends further. It includes a wide range of factors that can help us lead a healthy life. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the body responsible for monitoring the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, calls these the “underlying determinants of health”. They include:
* Safe drinking water and adequate sanitation;
* Safe food;
* Adequate nutrition and housing;
* Healthy working and environmental conditions;
* Health-related education and information;
* Gender equality.
The right to health contains freedoms. These freedoms include the right to be free from non-consensual medical treatment, such as medical experiments and research or forced sterilization, and to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
• Health services, goods and facilities must be provided to all without any discrimination. Non-discrimination is a key principle in human rights and is crucial to the enjoyment of the right to the highest attainable standard of health.
Common misconceptions about the right to health
The right to health is NOT the same as the right to be healthy. A common misconception is that the State has to guarantee us good health. However, good health is influenced by several factors that are outside the direct control of States, such as an individual’s biological make-up and socio-economic conditions. Rather, the right to health refers to the right to the enjoyment of a variety of goods, facilities, services and conditions necessary for its realization. This is why it is more accurate to describe it as the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, rather than an unconditional right to be healthy.
The right to health is NOT only a programmatic goal to be attained in the long term. The fact that the right to health should be a tangible programmatic goal does not mean that no immediate obligations on States arise from it. In fact, States must make every possible effort, within available resources, to realize the right to health and to take steps in that direction without delay. Notwithstanding resource constraints, some obligations have an immediate effect, such as the undertaking to guarantee the right to health in a non-discriminatory manner, to develop specific legislation and plans of action, or other similar steps towards the full realization of this right, as is the case with any other human right. States also have to ensure a minimum level of access to the essential material components of the right to health, such as the provision of essential drugs and maternal and child health services.
-Zayneb Turki-
the financial U.S hands embraces our country
The US goverment would provide a loan guarantee to enable the tunisian Goverment to access significant market financing at affordable rates and favourable maturities with the backing of a U.S guarantee of principal and ineterst (up to 100 %), the US Treasury said on friday.
The Ceremony took place at the World Bank immediately following the meeting of Finance ministers of the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in transition.
"I'm pleased to sign this declaration of intent with Finance Ministers of Houcine Dimassi", said U.S Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
"Last October, President Obama made clear the Uniited States' commitment to supporting Tunisia's historic transformation. This loan guarantee will be pillar of that support, helping Tunisia achieve key development goals and advancing its economic transition"
The support would consist of the U.S guarantee of tunisian Goverment-issued debt (or of bank loans made to the goverment of Tunisia)
This guarantee will significantly reduce the tunisian Goverment's borrowing costs at a time when market access has become more expensive for many emerging market countries
In the weeks ahead, both goverments intend to make pregress on a loan guarantee agreement that would allow Tunisia to move forward with a debt issuance.
-Amal Derbéli-
Tunisia's documentary festival is up!
Seven years ago, ''Doc á Tunis'' was born and ever since the crowd has always been at the rendezvous. It is for this passionate audience, heterogeneous and require that the festival continues.
''Doc á Tunis'' has become, over time the involvement of many teams who gave it its identity, a meeting place for lovers, producers and documentary professionals.
Never the eyewitness account has had such importance. World War III will certainly be a war of images. The worldwide television continue to stream video and stories still underdeveloped. This is where the role of the documentary makes sense of an art of reality.
The documentary is the art of making visible the complexities of the human, to discover its hidden facets in the bend of a stolen glance through the lens of the camera. A new life is given to the documentary not only captures and transmits the real truth but also acts on it.
The 2012 edition of Doc in Tunis will be held from April 25 to 30. All invitations and the access card and the catalog will be by internet (e-invited, e-access, e-catalog).
The theme of this year is ''An idea technological, economic, ecological.''
Festival link:
Korean Supermarket: First Virtual Store
South Koreans spend more hours on work than workers in many other countries, they are always on the move.For this reason, many of them find it hard to save time for even the most basic chores , like for example grocery shopping. Therefore virtual stores allow them to save time.
The virtual store was developed in Korea and more precisely in Seoul by a Korean supermarket chain ‘’ Homeplus’’ an affiliate of British firm Tesco .
These days, the virtual store allows consumers to do their shopping with Smartphones. All along the trucks are illuminating billboards with hundreds of pictures of food and cosmetics products.
How to use this ? To give the virtual store a try we should first download the Homeplus application. Secondly,we have to hold the quick response code under the pictures of the product , then the application asks the consumers where and when they would like the product to be delivered.
After that, the consumer should enter the billing information.
Finally the product will be delivered just after the customer arrives home . Tesco starts creating virtual stores for its franchises in other countries too. Furthermire, many young people around the world are adopting Smartphone technology today for this end. This concept is working outside Korea as well.
-Dhekrayet Ben Ghrib-