The Bridge of Rades
When I generally go from the southern suburb to the north suburb, I often take the new road of “Rades-La Goulette” as most people do. In this road, you must cross the highest ... Read more

Spain: the crisis scared off hundreds of thousands of people
Spain continues its descent into the depths of the crisis. After the downgrade of the sovereign debt of Spain, Friday, October 14, reduced from AA to AA-, it is the turn of the city of Barcelona and the Madrid region of ... read more

New Oppprtunities in changing MENA region
Tunisian-American Chamber of Commerce (TACC), Chair of Mena, hosted recently the annual conference held by The Regional Council ... Read more
lundi 14 mai 2012
The Bridge of Rades
When I generally go from the southern suburb to the north suburb, I often take the new road of “Rades-La Goulette” as most people do. In this road, you must cross the highest bridge in Tunisia and the longest one in Africa. I don't know why every time I pass from that place and the moment when I see the marvellous landscape with the beautiful and the wide sea, the picture of the “Bosphorus Bridge” of Istanbul comes to my mind. And I start asking myself: Why, in Turkey, they have pleasure boats and ferries crossing the sea, a fascinating lighting system of changing colours and patterns while in Tunisia we don’t have any of these? Why a resource like that is not exploitable? Why the sight did not induce any business man to think of establishing a simple project there? Or if there are interested persons, what kind of problems did they face? I’m just wondering...Maybe I’m a dreamer but such a place cannot be neglected. Simply, I feel deprived.
-Ahmed Hadhri-
Spain: the crisis scared off hundreds of thousands of people
Spain continues its descent into the depths of the crisis. After the downgrade of the sovereign debt of Spain, Friday, October 14, reduced from AA to AA-, it is the turn of the city of Barcelona and the Madrid region of degraded their ratings from AA to AA-.Standard & Poor's also assigned to the two communities a negative outlook, meaning itcould still lower their medium-term notes.
These announcements came as the crisis in the euro area is growing and the country has a low growth, very bad finances and regional unemployment rates over 20% in 2011. The Spanish Government has committed to reduce its budget deficit to 6% of GDP in 2011 and 3% in 2013, after 9.3% in 2010. A bet that seems difficult to win.
Another consequence of the profound crisis in Spain for months could also bedemographic. The Financial Times called it the "exodus" of some of these people whocan no longer make ends meet: migrant workers. "After a decade of immigration and population growth, the Spanish population is now waning," the newspaper reported, citing a study by the National Statistics Institute (INE).
Entre 2002 et 2008, la population espagnole a augmenté d'environ 700 000 personnes par an du fait de l'accroissement naturel et de l'immigration du travail. Cette année, elle n'augmenterait que de 100 000 personnes environ.
The explanation comes from the lack of prospects for migrant workers, mainly from Latin America. They would be several "hundreds of thousands" to leave the country, the Financial Times. Most choose to visit other European countries, like Germany orEngland.
"If current demographic trends persist, Spain could lose more than half a million peopleover the next decade," said the INE's report. This announcement surprises. The country was known for its great capacity of migrant workers. Most of them finding employment inthe construction sector in the growth of real estate, now discontinued.
But according to Carmen González Enríquez, a researcher for the Elcano Royal Institutethink tank, the result of the interruption of growth will not be a bad thing. "The lack of activity Ches immigrants, most of whom do not have the right to receive aid, is a potential source of conflict." She continues: "We must remember that those who leave the countryare unemployed. Their presence in Spain is good neither for the real estate market, or for the retirement system. Even less for growth."
Discordant voices rise. Some are worried that young graduates, including foreigners who were naturalized, leaving the country for lack of prospects. The number of graduatesleaving the country is not quantifiable, but there are indications that those who have left the country for Britain, Germany and Latin America have some knowledge as thedemand for migrant workers of these countries is based on the inherent requirements ofthe domestic economy, says the Financial Times.
-Amal Derbeli-
dimanche 13 mai 2012
New Oppprtunities in changing MENA region
Tunisian-American Chamber of Commerce (TACC), Chair of Mena, hosted recently the annual conference held by The Regional Council of AmCham Mena (American Chamber of Commerce ) on the theme "New opportunities in a changing MENA region." . The event attracted a lot of participants from different Arab countries, international experts and Tunisian discussed the impact of economic integration in the MENA region on the growth of interregional investment, agri-business in the MENA region, the role of private equity in the growth and sustainability of SMEs .
The Vice President Mena of the American Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Lionel Johnson, declared that the essential goal of the partnership US-MENA regions is to establish a favorable environment with a particular legal framework incentives and tax policies favorable to investment .He pointed also that government should take in consideration the the political and social transitions take and needs to be assisted to manage these changes, by the actors of civil societyAmong the major challenges facing the country today is finding appropriate solutions to overcome corruption, protect the rights of citizens and investors and ensure political stability and social necessary for economic development. There are now challenges and obstacles to overcome in the MENA region, this is why U.S. is trying to support this transition without fall into the interference in internal affairs
The president of TACC ( Tunisian American Chamber of Commerce ) Ms. Amel bouchamaoui Hammami mentioned that there still a lot of difficulties that cramp the development of cooperation between the countries of the MENA region and the U.S and this meeting will highlight them. One of the major changes that MENA require is policies and economic ledearship wich lead to a major development opportunities The tacc’s president mark,that a greater corporation and constructive exchange will be very beneficial for both parties . she also believe that it is important to eliminate the barriers that avert the development and interreginal trade including the lack of a regulatory framework and incentive barriers that continue to block trade, failures related to infrastructure and lack of inter-line direct sea and air .. she also consider that the investment partnership should be encouraged especially with neighboring countries because if the governments of the region diversify investment partnership it will be very profitable for the region.
-Mariem Derouiche-
The dragon fell down
“The data is a signal they need to do a little bit more in terms of restoring confidence and loosening policy,” says Andrew Batson, research director at Beijing-based economic consultancy GK Dragonomics. The world is just sitting and waiting for the reaction of Beijing, the capital of the Dragon country, toward its flagging economy. The disappointing investments, trading, even the number of output decreases and finally a cut in bank reserve ratio lead to the bottoming of the dragon.
China’s economy grew by 8.1 percent in the first quarter which is the lowest rate since 2009. The central Bank has reduced the bank reserve requirement. This requirement is set by the government. Any changes in the required percentage are used to influence credit conditions. An increased percentage requirement means fewer funds available for lending and a resultant rise in interest rates. In the first side, the disappointing trade number which decreases by 35% compared with the first quarter of the year. In what concern the imports, which were disappointing too, ups slightly just 0.3 percent in April. All Chinese imports from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea declined one year ago, these imports are processing components which strength the odd that the exports will decline more in the next months. The industrial output growth was 9.3 percent in April down from 11.9 in March.
All these factors forecast a troubled economic growth for the Dragon because of all crises in the euro zone which give its harmful impacts on the Chinese markets and numbers show that the exports to the EU fell by 2.4 percent. The only good thing that we can note is the inflation which it was eased as expected to 3.4 percent in the last month comparing with 3.6 percent shown in March which prove the success of the monetary policy of Beijing, and of course the insistence of the Chinese government to boost a well-done monetary policy comes because they were worried about the local government debt.
By Yassër Ben Hmouda
Hiring Up
The number of Tunisians recruited during the first four months of 2012 to work abroad reached 564 against 355 in 2011 and 380 in 2010, according to a statement of the Tunisian Agency for Technical Cooperation (ATCT) arrived yesterday to TAP.Among those recruited, 95 are first-time jobseekers.
The total number of volunteer experts and Tunisian expatriates amounted, therefore, to 11,615 with the management of social and administrative career is provided by the ATCT.In the first four months of 2012, the ATCT received 94 job offers, emanating in particular from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and the UAE.
These offers are almost 1700 posts in various specialties. The main recruitment affected the health field with 155 recruited, Trade and Marketing (94 recruits), Sports and Physical Education (81 recruits), and administration (69 recruits).The statement stressed that the number of Tunisians registered in the bank bid ATCT has reached 10,330 candidates including 1,819 first-time jobseekers, a new direction taken by the ATCT to ensure better employability in this category Young Tunisians and provide employment opportunities abroad.The statement indicated that in addition to the placement of Tunisian competences abroad, ATCT shall, within the framework of South-South cooperation, dispatch of experts and consultants to carry out technical assistance missions with recipient countries, and organizing training sessions and study tours to Tunisia for the benefit of Arab and African executives in collaboration with the best centers in Tunisia.
In the first four months of 2012, the Agency conducted six training sessions for the benefit of 92 executives from different countries, including the Sultanate of Oman, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Morocco.She has deployed 14 Tunisian experts abroad to perform technical assistance missions in several specialties.
Amal Derbali
dimanche 6 mai 2012
Islamic finance a new vision of the economy in Tunisia
Lately the concept of islaming finance or Islamic banking wich is An early market economy and an early form of mercantilism , which some refer to as "Islamic capitalism" had keen the economic sector in the whole world not only in the arabic _ Islamic countries but also in the western countries such as usa , france … they did actually a big step in this new way of finacing and banking with starting to teaching it in universities as a new specialitie hoping that it will help them to exceed their economic crise and be a remedy for it .
In the other side for oriental countries although the Arab spring has brought political turmoil and economic uncertainty to the whole area : the region has seen revolutions especially our country Tunisia wich give birth to the arab spring. Yet while investor confidence has been shaken, the impact on the financial sector has not been catastrophic. Markets are buoyant, , and money is moving. So Could the Jasmine revolution possibly be a good thing for the industry ? especially With the recent advent of the Islamist party Ennahda to power, its legitimization could be considered as a favorable evolution for Islamic finance ?
Actually With a newly liberated political atmosphere and a developing free market, Tunisia is looking to become a centre of Islamic finance in the Maghreb. The African Development Bank (AfDB) has recently drafted a report aiming at developing Islamic banking services in North Africa, precisely in tunisia in order to contribute economic development.
Islamic banking was the focus of a recent forum in Gammarth where experts, bankers and political leaders discussed ways Tunisia could lead the region in expanding economic opportunities. A conference, organised by the General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial.
Institutions (CIBAFI), also tackled issues of innovation and training in the emerging field. Tunisian Finance Minister told attendees that currently 96% of financial resources from Islamic banking are invested outside Muslim states, something he considered a lost opportunity.
Tunisia could turn to Islamic finance as a source of funds for its immediate needs, estimated at 30 to 40 billion dollars over the next five years. Tunisia’s current loans from the Islamic Development Bank total about 500 million dinars across several sectors, In this regard, the minister announced that Tunisian authorities were looking to develop a legal framework to regulate the sector. He also highlighted plans to create a sovereign wealth fund called “The Future Generations Fund”.
On the Maghreb level, the minsitre underscored that efforts by Maghreb countries toward integration must continue and be intensified, ultimately encompassing all financial and economic fields. Because the integration to which peoples of the Maghreb aspire provided greater opportunities for growth for the Maghreb region, which has about 85 million inhabitants and a GDP approaching $400 billion. Some studies have estimated that the lack of integration costs the Maghreb 2% of annual GDP growth.“If we know that one point in growth, for example, in Tunisia can provide 20,000 citizens with jobs on average in the year, this country has lost about 400,00 jobs over the last ten years,” the minister said.
Islamic finance represents an important opportunity to contribute to the financing needs of the Maghreb and assist it in establishing joint projects, the strength of Islamic banks during economic shocks and financial crises.
But the reality of Islamic banking does not seem to match this rosy image, as it faces serious challenges, according to CIBAFI Secretary-
General Dr Ezzedine Khoja. He said Islamic finance must deal with the different schools of Islamic law, as well as the lack of international standards for Islamic financial institutions, such as the “Basel” standard, despite the existence of an accounting and auditing body at these institutions.
Most Islamic banks focus on finance rather than direct investment, with 75% of Islamic commercial bank assets invested in short-term products, and the proportion of long-term direct investment not exceeding 2%, according to Khoja.Globalisation also poses a challenge with increasingly intense competition, as traditional Arab and foreign banks enter the Islamic investment market, in addition to the challenges in terms of keeping pace with changing technology.
The weak capacity of some Islamic banks to innovate, coupled with the lack of trained human resources, results in inability to manage liquidity with the required efficacy on the one hand and to reassure and attract customers on the other.
-Mariem Derouiche-
jeudi 3 mai 2012
Persepolis Trial
A group of citizens came together, this Thursday, May 3 before the Court of First Instance in Tunis to protest against the verdict in the trial of Nessma TV unsatisfactory.
Nabil Karoui, owner of the station, was fined 2,400 dinars. In addition, Hedi Boughnim, programming director at Nessma TV, and Nedia Jamal, president of the women’s organization that dubbed the movie, were both fined 1,200 dinars.
Protesters judged unfair verdict and expressed their dissatisfaction with what they described as interference with the sacred without disputing the freedom of the press.
-Amal Derbeli-
The New Tunisian Car... Waiting...
As all Tunisian citizens, we are proud to let you know about the last tasty fruit of Tunisian industry, the BARKIA car 100% Tunisian made. Its creator is Mohamed Ahmed Barkia, PhD in Engineering-Mechanical Engineering with his 20 years of experience, he made a prototype for this car which can lead Tunisia to be the first heavy industrial country in North Africa or maybe in the MENA region, who knows.
The famous construction project of this car will be located near Dokhan (about 30km near Sfax), on a plot of 118 acres near a railway station. This new industry will host 15,200 jobs (8,200 on the production site Dokhan 7000 + distributed over the country). "
The second production site (specialized in body parts) is provided at Kasserine and the third one (for seats productions and accessories) will take place in Sidi Bouzid.
The car will have a body and an engine (100% Tunisians) which are specially designed for the African climate (in terms of heat, dust and corrosion), with specific improvements in the suspension system in relation to our road infrastructure. The prototype was made, the patent registred and obtained approval in Europe since 2004. You may wonder why is it delayed and didn't work as seemed to be a genious invention, well as usuall it was delayed because of the Trabelsi and when things got real, the car got a radical refusal from the Tunisian authorities. But now since we have some economic freedom as a revolution result we hope that this will be the best booster for Tunisian economy. As in 2007 WALLYSCAR launched its production, BARKIA is not the first Tunisian car, and here we can ask a question: How could authorities approve the WALLYSCAR in 2007 and not the BARKIA in 2009?
Now here are the specifics of the BARKIA car:
100% Tunisian
Horse-Power: 5hp-Displacement:
1.2 liters engine
Energy: Petrol / Gas
Consumption: 4, 8 l /90km
Number of Passengers: 4 people easily
Length: 3m86
Solar air conditioning (to prolong engine's life)
PRICE: € 5500 for export
Tunisia-AVERAGE PRICE: 14,000 DT (and depends on the final approval competent authorities)
The project is totally exporting and 30% of production will be sold on the Tunisian market.
Meanwhile, Dr Ahmed Barkia launched an emergency call to the head of government to accelerate the process regarding the land of 118 hectares of Dokhan (from agricultural purpose to Industrial so that he can build the firm's HQ).
And another Call for Tunisian technicians living abroad to return to work/contribute in this project.
So why is the Government wouldn't put this machine ON ? Isn't Tunisia looking for local investments to reduce unemployment or there is higher political powers that prevent this ?
mardi 1 mai 2012
Kerim Hmaied, The genius who made the TUNISIAN ROCKET!!
At first glance, he doesn’t look like any other that I have met, a slight smile reflecting self-confidence and bright eyes revealing a mysterious smartness. Graduated from al Sadikia high school, then he carries his studies in the higher institute of information and communication in Sfax and now he is about to finish his engineering cycle in the ESPRIT University. He is “Kerim Hmaied” the first Tunisian who made and launched a rocket, the famous “Carthage 01”… the first Tunisian Rocket.
How did it begin the passion with rockets?
Well, when I was young I was participating in scouts camping, I remember when we were alone in the forest I was always looking to the stars and the moon in the sky and wondering “how could we reach these stars?”, then I joined the association of youth & science in 2003, which is a scientific association, I participated with them in a scientific camping in Raoued where we started to make some micro rockets. Then I joined an amateur club in Khadra-city which is specialized in the construction of some robotics and small-rockets, they provided us with a quality traineeship and a little bit of experience in the field. I think that it was a good beginning for me. I started to gain a good experience and to establish my own knowledge based on this traineeship among the club parallel with all research that I made from the internet.
How did you get the idea of making Carthage Rocket?
After strengthening my gained knowledge I was asking myself “why I don’t make a greater rocket?” and it was a challenge for me to make a greater rocket. I used to make a micro rocket with 30 centimeter length and a diameter of 20 millimeter, so what about a rocket with 1 meter length and a 80 millimeter in diameter and more sophisticated functionality I used my knowledge in mechanics, electronics, IT, aerodynamics, flight and of course some friends give a hand in the project, Then challenge accepted!
Why you have chosen the name “Carthage” for your rocket?
(Smiling) I was looking for a name which represents the whole Tunisia, I have rejected all names which represent a region or a specific place, and finally I have chosen the name “Carthage” referring to the Carthaginian Empire and even the name “Carthage” is a famous one all over the word and localizes precisely the location of Tunisia where the rocket was being made.
Kerim, have you participated in any international competition?
Yes, I tried to participate in 2009 in an international competition in France with my rocket “Carthage 01” but I had some problems and unfortunately I couldn’t participate. Then in 2010, I participated with a friend in the same competition held in France, we spent all time running after the administration papers to go to our destination, that’s why, when we were in the military base in France to participate, we weren’t technically ready nor the Rocket Carthage 01 was ready and we only tried to reinforce our knowledge in the field of aeronautics from other participants and yes we gained more experience which helps us to ameliorate “Carthage 01”. I came back to France in 2011, after the revolution, to participate again in the same competition. A committee came to me, tested and inspected my rocket and gives me a certificate of flight and told me to come back tomorrow.
The next day, and by luck, the launch of my rocket was in the VIP day with many rockets from Russia, France, Japan, Austria and Australia. They called me to come to the launch side, I went there, rocket on my shoulder, I positioned it in the launch base, waited for the long countdown: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and launch, I pressed the launch button; I will never forget that moment when I saw “Carthage 01” rises and moves away in sky … Carthage 01 was the only Arabian and African rocket…it represented all Arab countries and that’s enough for me, I was very proud of my Rocket.
So can you know tell me about all obstacles and barriers that faced you?
First of all, in 2009, when I sent my request to the French committee to participate in the competition, the committee called the interior ministry to investigate about me. After a couple of hours, the Tunisian Anti-Terrorist Squad knocked my door and then all my problems began. I was arrested for 3 days in the center of Anti-Terrorism and I was accused of making Rockets and participating in terrorist groups but after hitting and investigating they decided to release me but their harassments continued until the revolution.
Can you give any advices to young Tunisians?
Yes I want to say just dream and work hard, nothing is impossible, you just need willingness, believe in yourselves, and be creative.
Al Karama
"The government will work to create a new structure ' El Karama', which members contribute voluntarily to the government (ministers and secretaries of state) and senior executives of the state, with six days of work," said yesterday Hamadi Jebali, head of theprovisional government.
He explained in his response to questions from constituents on the economic and social program and the supplementary budget law for 2012, the National Constituent Assembly,that the government ensure, through this initiative, to "lead by example" to all citizens. He urged all Tunisians, inside and outside the country, to participate in this effort to boostemployment and maintain the dignity of the citizen.Budget resources in the supplementary budget law includes a voluntary contribution,estimated at 450 million dinars.
-Derbali Amal-
Muammar Gaddaafi financed the French Presidential Campaign 2007
The French web site information Mediapart published a document signed by a former Libyan dignitary affirming that the regime of Muammar Gaddafi had agreed in 2006 to finance with "50 million" Campaign Presidential Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007.In this document, Musa Kusa, former head of intelligence services outside Libya, state an "agreement in principle" to "support the campaign of presidential candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, for one amount of a value of fifty million.
"March 12, Sarkozy had qualified as "grotesque possible funding of his presidential campaign in 2007 by Muammar Gaddafi.In this note, surrounded by a green frame, written in Arabic and translated by Mediapart, Mr. Koussa confirms an "agreement in principle" on "instructions issued by the liaison office of the General People's Committee regarding the approval of support the campaign of presidential candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, amounting to a value of fifty million.
"Mr. Koussa was the Foreign Minister of Muammar Qaddafi, before his defection and his departure for Europe.He added that this agreement is consequent to the "Minutes of the meeting held on 6/10/2006, which was attended by our side the Director of Libyan intelligence (Abdallah Senussi, ed) and the President Fund of Libya African investment (Bashir Saleh, Editor's note), and the French side and Mr. Ziad Hortefeux Takieddine ".
Close friend of Nicolas Sarkozy, Hortefeux was Interior minister from 2007 to 2011 Counsel for the businessman Franco-Lebanese Ziad Takieddine,said his client "was not present at the meeting stated in the document" but that "he thinks that this paper is credible , given the date and the people who appear ".
-Mariem Derouiche-